No, we’re not talking about the latest position to ensure conception, just make sure you’re both in the mood! So many couples at this time of year are thinking about getting pregnant. Food, mood and libido have been linked to fertility and their aphrodisiac qualities, so there’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to get […]
Posts Written By: Zita West

Planning to get pregnant can take more than just planning to have sex more often. To really get you and your partner’s body baby ready there are 5 areas of your lifestyle that we should look at.

Christmas can be a challenging time of year for those who find themselves desperately wanting children but are spending Christmas without one. For many couples I have seen over the last few weeks, they dread this time of year and even dealing with family and friends can be tough particularly if they have children around. […]

The oily richness of trout contrasts beautifully with the sweet lychees and peppery rocket leaves. Hot-smoked trout requires no preparation, making this a speedy, healthy lunch or evening meal. Trout is an oily fish and a useful source of omega-3 fats. It’s also rich in protein and B-vitamins, including niacin, B12 and B6, which are […]

The subject of egg donation is often difficult to approach. I’m asked a lot ‘When should egg donation be considered?’ That too, is a difficult question to answer as everyone is different. The most common factors to consider are age and egg reserves. If you are in your forties and IVF isn’t working for you, […]
From Zita’s book “Eat Yourself Pregnant”, these delicious muffins are rich in soluble fibre and B vitamins, important for healthy eggs and sperm.
7 reasons to focus on nutrition
A healthy pregnancy depends on good quality sperm and egg(s) meeting to create an embryo that will implant into the woman’s womb lining. There is increasing evidence to show that diet and lifestyle can directly impact on conception as well as foetal development.
Many women are looking to do fertility tests to predict there future fertility potential. It’s really important before you do any test to understand that there is always a result and if the result is not what you are expecting it can leave you in a real panic about what you need to do. Therefore […]
Top 4 nutrients for male fertility
Recent research has found that men need to focus on their diet just as much as women when it comes to creating a healthy baby. So following on from my previous blog post – 6 Top Tips To Boost Sperm Health – here are my top 4 most important nutrients for male fertility: Vitamin B9 (folate) […]
Fertility Boosting Granola
This is a healthy version of the classic breakfast option, with an array of seeds to provide plenty of healthy fats. Research has found that Brazil nuts can assist male fertility as well as boost testosterone. You can vary the ingredients according to what you have available. This will keep in an airtight container for […]