No, we’re not talking about the latest position to ensure conception, just make sure you’re both in the mood! So many couples at this time of year are thinking about getting pregnant. Food, mood and libido have been linked to fertility and their aphrodisiac qualities, so there’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to get […]
Natural fertility Archive

Christmas can be a challenging time of year for those who find themselves desperately wanting children but are spending Christmas without one. For many couples I have seen over the last few weeks, they dread this time of year and even dealing with family and friends can be tough particularly if they have children around. […]
One of the questions women constantly ask me is if there is anything I can do to improve the quality of their eggs. We know that a woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever possess and these are her most precious, valuable commodity. Egg health is the cornerstone to fertility and […]
We all know that there’s more to getting pregnant than just thinking positively. On the other hand, it’s not all about having sex at the ‘right’ time. Scientists are continuing to learn more and more about the powerful connection between mind and body and how this can affect a person’s fertility. Bad thoughts can feed […]
Chinese medicine is a very effective treatment modality for fertility/infertility. Acupuncture alone can be a very important tool however the treatment of infertility according to Chinese Medicine principles never takes place in isolation. We need to look at lifestyle, dietary, emotional and other factors that are just as important if we want to optimize one’s […]
How much do you know about ovulation? We answer the most frequently asked questions from women trying to conceive. Q. Can you ovulate twice in one month? A. Yes. But this is fairly rare, and is what happens in the case of non-identical twins. If ovulation happens twice it is always within 24 hours. So […]